TransCare Hunter Ltd clients have been able to update their knowledge on a range of legal matters as part of the Wellness and Reablement Program that commenced in January 2020.
The most recent workshop topic was Legal Planning, presented by the Hunter Community Legal Centre and it was well attended and received. Participants were able to ask questions about using cheques, phone and door-to-door scams, and online safety amongst other topics.
Topics that will be covered in the coming months include Art as Therapy, Pets as Therapy and Plants Around the Home.
Program Officer, Patricia Kennedy-Wood, said: “We are covering a range of subjects with the Wellness and Reablement Program to give our clients a variety of information and activities to participate in.”
“Our aim with this program is to help clients get out and learn new things, and gain skills that can help them remain independent, within their home and community, for as long as possible. However, sessions on mental health and legal advice have been great to reassure them that there is help out there if they need it.”
The Wellness and Reablement Program will continue to hold workshops for TransCare clients in Muswellbrook, Denman, Merriwa, Murrurundi, Scone and Aberdeen until it comes to an end in June this year.
For more information about the Wellness and Reablement Program contact Tish at TransCare on 6545 3113 and select 5 at the switch.
Our Community Partners
TransCare are very grateful to our generous community who make it possible for us to offer our services to the Upper Hunter.
Muswellbrook RSL
Lions Club
Nova Cruises
Cancer Council