Overwhelming Support for Be Connected Program

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A desire to learn about technology was displayed by older residents of the Muswellbrook Shire Council at the TransCare Be Connected event hosted Muswellbrook Library by as part of the 2019 Seniors Festival.

On Wednesday, February 20, around 25 participants took part in a Be Connected introduction session where they got a taste of what the program will offer them according to Samm Turri, Community Coordinator for TransCare.

“It was fantastic to have so many people come along and show us that there is a real need for the Be Connected program in the area. We are partnering with the Upper Hunter Library Network to run the program over a 4-6 week period across our region. With the Muswellbrook Library, we are looking at options to run a few smaller groups to make sure everyone is able to get the assistance they need. One of the reservations older people have about learning is that the people trying to teach them move too fast but with Be Connected we encourage everyone to work at their own pace,” Samm said.

The Be Connected program is targeted at people over 50 years of age who are looking for some support to get a basic understanding of technology and how to best use it. Once registered participants are able to complete different learning units ranging from basic device operation, to internet security and other online activity. People are able to work through the modules at home as well as with the group where there are digital mentors on hand to help.

If you would like more information about the Be Connected program, please call TransCare on 6545 3113 and select option 2 to speak with our Community Wellbeing section.

Our Community Partners

TransCare are very grateful to our generous community who make it possible for us to offer our services to the Upper Hunter.